Sad News



Anna Marie Keller, passed away in Upper Yoder Township, Pennsylvania on October 13, 2015 in her 90th year. Anna was a music teacher in the Northport-East Northport schools and in Sharon, Pennsylvania. Her family wanted to be sure that her friends and former colleagues in New York knew of her passing.

Tribute to Fred Meyer

Last week we mourned the passing of Fred Meyer. R-UTN member Bill Hall wrote a tribute to Fred that he wanted to share with our members:

Forever Young.  Fred Meyer

Bob Dylan wrote the words first. Rod Stewart popularized them. Fred Meyer lived them.

Fred came to the Northport–East Northport district almost 50 years ago. He joined a young faculty which was dedicated to providing  an exemplary education and understood that the philosophy of middle school was  based on meeting the needs of students — challenging each student while providing a nurturing, progressive environment. Fred was always there for all students. Fred was always there for all teachers.

He was involved in every aspect of student life and was a true advocate for both students and teachers. Fred always treated everyone in a manner that was dignified, fair and clear. He truly treated everyone as he would have others treat him. Like other fine educators who have left too soon … Tom Anderson, Jim Bagley, Ed Newton and Bill Perilli…Fred will be missed, but not be forgotten.

When we honor Fred, we honor the best in all of us.